The Value of Alone Time


You’ve probably heard that loneliness is bad for the brain—but some “alone time” might have brain benefits. What are those benefi...

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Seasonal depression in the brain


Are you in the 20% of people who get the winter blues? There’s a biological basis for that. New research has found a direct...

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Anxiety in the classroom


When children are struggling with emotional or behavioral problems, it’s often in the classroom that they show up most star...

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Crafting for Cognitive Calm


Are you a crafter? If not, you might want to become one! Numerous studies show that crafting—knitting, quilting, woodworking, and...

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Saving money is a challenge for the brain


A recent study shows that our brains are better at recognizing opportunities to earn money than they are at opportunities to save...

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No quick fix for ADHD but a variety of different strategies


There is no quick fix for ADHD. Although medication can help treat people’s symptoms, it’s only part of an overall ADHD tre...

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Season’s Greetings! – 僅祝聖誕及新年快樂!


During the festive season, our centres will be closed on HK public holidays (25/12, 26/12 and 01/01) and open on all other days. ...

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Holidays on the Brain


The holiday season is upon us! Some people cherish this time of year, while others could do without it. According to a (very smal...

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To maintain lifelong mental acuity, avoid early retirement and repetitive jobs


Retir­ing at 55 and spend­ing the rest of your life relax­ing on the front porch may sound appeal­ing, but if you want your brain...

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